Fine Rates
The fine rate is at 10 SEK per book, per day. If you have fines in excess of 100 SEK you will not be able to use your card.
If you are ill or in quarantine and cannot return on time, please contact the library.
You can always send the books to the library, the address is:
University of Stockholm
The Frescati Library
Frescativägen 8
114 18 Stockholm
If you have borrowed books through an interlibrary loan, the late charge will be determined at the library where the debt arose.
Payment of Fines
- You can pay your fees on the library website at My Library Account.
- You can also pay fines to the library's ‘bankgiro’ 812-0669. When paying by 'bankgiro', it is important to provide your name, personal Swedish ID number and payment terms. Please note that it takes at least three business days before payment transfers are received.
- You can also pay with a bank card or approved credit card at The Frescati Library.