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  3. Library
  4. About us
  5. Organisation


The Stockholm University Library meets the needs of Stockholm University’s researchers, teachers and students, and it contributes to the prerequisites required to engage world-class research and teaching.

Library management

The executive committee addresses all general issues and issues of strategic importance to the business and advises the Library Director to prior to decisions.

The History of The Stockholm University Library

When the university was founded in Stockholm in the 1870s, The Stockholm University Library was also founded. Library books and collections grew over time through acquisitions and donations.

Media Plan

Information management at The Stockholm University Library aims to provide students, teachers and researchers access to the needed media resources required for teaching and research at Stockholm University.

Environmental Work

Stockholm University’s environmental work participates in the realisation of environmental objectives through an active environmental programme that includes the dissemination of knowledge, education and follow-up environmental work within the organisation.

Invoice Details & Address of Stockholm University Library

Here you will find information regarding the library's registration number, VAT number, details of bank transfer, billing addresses, reference numbers and other such practical details.