Researchers & Teachers

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boka rådgivning med en bibliotekarie

Book a one-to-one appointment

Researches and employees at Stockholm University can make an appointment with a librarian. We answer questions about search techniques, databases and reference management software.

People and a table

Research Support

Stockholm University offers PhD student and researchers at the University research support services throughout the research process.

Kurs i informationskompetens

Book a Course in Information Management for your Students

Do you teach students who will need to write essays at Stockholm University? Order a course in information management for your students.

Skicka kurslistor till biblioteket

Send Your Textbook Reading Lists to the Library

As a university course coordinator, you are responsible for informing the library which books are on your required reading lists before the start of each term.

Direktleverans av böcker

Direct Delivery

As an employee of Stockholm University, you may order books from Frescati Library and have them delivered to your university staff mailbox. Use of this service requires an active university card with a correct departmental address. Some material is not available for direct delivery.


Are you unable to locate a resource you need at the library?

Students and employees at Stockholm University can order books, articles and other media resources that are not readily available at the library.


Pile of books

Reference Management Software

Reference management software allows you to collect and organize your references and insert them into your documents in a desired format. This can save you a lot of time when you are working on a scientific project.

Opening hours Frescati Library (Main Library)

Monday 8 am - 7 pm

Tuesday - Friday : 8 am - 4 pm.

Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

The information desk is staffed weekdays from 10 am.

Information point online is closed for the summer.

Chat: weekdays 9 am - 4 pm
Phone:  weekdays 10 - 11 am

Summer opening hours

Library adaptions due to Covid-19