What are your current opening hours?
We are open on weekdays 8 am–19 pm and 11 am–15 pm on Saturdays. Our information desk is staffed 11 am–19 pm on weekdays and 11 am-15 pm on Saturdays. Between 10 am–11 am and 15 pm–16 pm, you can meet our librarians from home via Zoom. We are also available in the chat (9 am–16 pm weekdays), as well as by e-mail and telephone.
Is the Library open for visitors as usual?
Yes, we welcome everyone who has a need, but we ask you to take responsibility for your stay and keep a distance. Stay at home in case of any symptoms or if someone else your household has covid-19.

Why are the Frescati Library open when other libraries have closed?
We are a research library that offers an important community service, and know how highly our students and researchers value our services. We are especially important for those who do not have access to other study places, and in order for them to be able to study, they need to access their course literature.
In the spring of 2020, we tried to limit the opening hours to one hour, but it caused queues at the entrance and created a greater risk of crowding. Through generous opening hours, we spread the visitors in a way that we think works well.
How have the Library adapted due to the Public Health Agency's advice?
We follow the developments closely and adapt our services based on the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations. In the Library we have rearranged our furnitures so that people can’t sit too close to each other, and removed two thirds of our reading spots. Also, it's not possible to book the group rooms.
Furthermore, we inform our visitors by information screens and signs that they must keep their distance, and offer hand sanitizer at the entrance.
All our previously physical events have been moved to digital platforms. Take a look at our heat map of the visitor’s flow, and please try to visit us at times when there are fewer visitors, usually in the early mornings and evenings.
How can you use the Library at a distance?
We offer many services digitally, such as individual search guidance if you want help searching for books or scientific articles in our databases. We recommend new students to watch our tutorials Find your text books, Search for scholarly articles, or get to know us through a digital tour of the Frescati Library. Of course, it is also possible to search for our e-resources from home. Use our search box on the home page.
Another tip is to attend our digital lectures. Keep track of our events for current lectures, and feel free to follow us on Facebook and Twitter where you will get the latest information.
Further reading:
Library adaptations to the corona virus
Information for students and staff about the corona virus