We have adapted the way we work and the physical space so you can feel secure visiting the library.
For everyone’s safety and your own:
- Visit us only if you are totally healthy
- Follow the Public Health Agency’s guidelines about keeping distanced, washing your hands, and staying home if you are unwell.
You are always welcome to contact us through chat, email and telephone. Many of our services are available digitally – please use them to decrease the risk of transmission.
Opening hours
Frescati Library is open weekdays from 8:00-19:00 and Saturdays 11:00-15:00.
The Info Desk is staffed from 10-19 on weekdays and 11-15 on Saturdays. The first hour on weekdays, 10-11, a librarian will help you via a screen on the information desk, see below. The information desk is staffed physically 11-19.
Before you come you should search book placements from your own computer or phone. To avoid crowding, there are half as many public computers as before. Computers that grant access to special databases are still accessible.
The Asia Library is open Tuesdays and Fridays, 13:00-16:00
The Dept. of Social Work Library is closed and its collections are integrated in the Frescati Library.
Study places
Now you can sit and study in the library again. To help everyone distance themselves, we have placed the seats further apart, removing two thirds of the chairs. Protect yourself and others from covid-19 by respecting the seating arrangements and not moving chairs or sitting on the floor.
Printing and copying
As a student at the university you can use the printomats to print, scan and copy. No more than three people should be in the printomat room at the same time. If a queue forms outside, please keep distanced there as well.
Did you know that you can collect your printouts anywhere at the university? List of all printomats.
To avoid crowding, the library now has fewer public computers. You can connect your own computer to the network and print from there. How to connect your computer.
When you need help from the library

The Info Desk is staffed from 10-19 on weekdays and 11-15 on Saturdays. On weekdays between 10 am - 11 am, for extra safe meetings, you can meet a librarian on a screen that is placed by the information desk in the library.
If you need to pick up an interlibrary loan, please visit us between 11 and 19, when the info desk is staffed physically.
As always, you can also get help online:
- Library chat 9-16
- Questions forum (FAQ)
- Telephone times: 10-11
Zoom: 15-16
New service from December 7: By 15 pm - 16 pm every weekday there is the opportunity to meet a librarian by the screen on your computer, tablet or mobile. Click on the link above, or in the blue box on the library's home page. Read more about the Zoom service
Digital search guidance
Students and researchers at the university can receive guidance for digital searches. Our Zoom room is open for drop-ins Monday-Thursday from 11-14. Information and link to the Zoom room. You can also contact bokabibliotekarie@su.se for information.
Talking book services
Those who need access to talking books can receive help with talking book registration via telephone or Zoom. Read more about talking book services here
Electronic resources
The digital library is open 24/7 and you can access most of the library’s collections from home. You find the resources as normal by searching the catalogue and database lists.
Additionally, many international academic publishers have opened up parts of their catalogue because of the current circumstances, so it’s good to even search outside of our catalogue.
Registry office open 9-11
The registry office is open for visitors weekdays from 9-11. It is located to the left of the library’s Info Desk. At other times they can be reached at registrator@su.se.
Stay updated
If the situation changes we will adapt as necessary – stay updated on this site and on su.se/coronavirus