The overall goal of the Swedish environmental policy is to hand over a society in which the major environmental problems of Sweden have been solved. It is a promise to future generations of fresh air, healthy habitats and a rich natural environment.  

In order to achieve these environmental objectives, joint efforts in many parts of society are required, including governments, businesses, NGOs and not least of all, individual people. What we do in our everyday life affects the environment. (“The Swedish Environmental Goals," Environmental Protection Agency)

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Active environmental work

Stockholm University participates in the realisation of environmental objectives through an active environmental programme, which includes the dissemination of knowledge, educating and follow- up environmental work within the organisation.  

An environmental working group runs the environmental work at the university library, with a representative from each department under the direction of an environmental coordinator. The director of the library has the ultimate responsibility for the library’s environmental work.

In recent years, the library has worked to reduce its consumption of office paper and replace travel with video conferencing. One of the goals of the major Frescati Library renovation was also to reduce electricity consumption by including energy-efficient, controlled lighting, as well as more efficient heating and ventilation systems.

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The library ‒ a resource for knowledge    

If you want to learn more about sustainable development, climate change or other environmental issues, the library is an outstanding resource. For example, if you search "sustainable" in our search box, you’ll receive suggestions for several thousands of books and over three million articles. Even more specialised searches within these topics gets many hits.  

Most of the hits you get are for e-books, databases, and other digital media, so you do not even have to go to the library to read the material.

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What can you do as a student?     

  • Involve yourself in Stockholm University's environmental policy.
  • Students are more than welcome to get involved in the environmental network and the other student organisations working with environmental issues. 
  • The university’s Sustainable Campus website provides simple suggestions to anyone wanting to contribute to a better environment on a personal level.
  • One suggestion is to use a thermos mug instead of a disposable mug whenever buying coffee, and the library sells a thermos mug for 70 SEK in its shop. 

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Do you have suggestions for improvement, or wish to report an incident or concern about the local environment?

If you are a student or an external visitor and would like to suggest an improvement or environmental anomaly, please contact Jenny Lilliehöök, the University's Environmental Coordinator. 
Email: or Tel. 08-16 39 88. 

If you are employed by Stockholm University, please use SAMIR, the university's reporting system for environmental anomalies or to make suggestions for improvement. Follow the link, fill out the form and press “Send report”.

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Employee responsibility  

Environmental work is realised to a large extent through knowledge, continuous improvement, and by change through new behaviours. Employees at Stockholm University are responsible for: 

Responsibilities relating to environmental work:

  • Be familiar with the University’s environmental policy.
  • Comply with the University’s environmental procedures and guidelines, as well as any environmental laws relating to your work.
  • Help the library and the University achieve its environmental objectives and implement the environmental action plans.

More information for employees is available on the library 's intranet.

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