The Adam Helms Lecture
Each lecture is given by a prominent individual within the international book and publishing industry. Between 1994 and 2016 it was arranged by Stockholm University Library in association with the Swedish Publishers’ Association.
View all previous lectures from 1994 to 2016
From 2019 the Adam Helms Lecture is arranged by Uppsala University in association with the Swedish Publishers’ Association.
The Adam Helms seminar
The Adam Helms seminar seminar was 2008-2016 arranged in association with Publishing Studies at Stockolm University’s Department of History. The seminar addressed a specific field within the book market in greater depth. The participants were normally Swedish book industry representatives and researchers, and the seminars were held in Swedish.
Previous seminars from 2008 to 2016 (in Swedish)
Adam Helms' Lecture Series

Some of the lectures from the Adam Helms Lecture Series have been published as PDF files, and are available free of charge in DiVA. In recent years, these lectures have also been filmed. For links to the PDF files and videos, please see Previous lectures above.