Läs mer om Adam Helms Lecture här.

Föreläsningarna från åren 1994-2004 är dokumenterade i form av pdf-filer som gratis kan laddas ner, se länk under respektive rubrik nedan.

Föreläsningarna från åren 2009-20016 har filmats. Undertextning av dessa filmer pågår och publiceras så snart den är klar.

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Mary Jay - African publishing in a globalised world

Adam Helms Lecture 2016




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Elena Evgrafova - Three phenomena of book publishing — today and tomorrow

Adam Helms Lecture 2015





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Claire Squires - The Red Pen, the Publisher and the University

Adam Helms Lecture 2014




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Mark Coker - The future of book publishing

Adam Helms Lecture 2013




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Anneli Høier - Den litterära agenten då och nu

Adam Helms Lecture 2012




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John B. Thompson - Merchants of Culture - The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century

Adam Helms Lecture 2011




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Thomas Steinfeld - De griniga, de gråtfärdiga och de glada - Om kritiken i ett samhälle där alla är kritiska

Adam Helms Lecture 2010




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Alberto Manguel - The End of Reading

Adam Helms Lecture 2009




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Emilia Lodigiani - The importance of being earnest and the tricky privilege of publishing Scandinavian literature in Italy

Adam Helms Lecture 2008

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A. S. Byatt - Ghosts and Documents - The relation between history, biography and fiction

Adam Helms Lecture 2007

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Martha Woodmansee - Publishers, Privateers, Pirates. 18th Century German Book Piracy Revisited

Adam Helms Lecture 2006

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Jamie Byng - Nonconformity: How to Survive as an Independent Publisher

Adam Helms Lecture 2005

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Michael Krüger - Giants and Dwarfs. Notes at the End of Reading

Adam Helms Lecture 2004

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Eva Bonnier - Börs och Katedral - sex generationer Bonniers

Adam Helms Lecture 2003

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Suzanne Brøgger - Forfatter-forlægger

Adam Helms Lecture 2002

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Michael Joyce - A web of caring: The book as it was to us

Adam Helms Lecture 2001

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Tim Waterstone - Bookselling and the Digital World

Adam Helms Lecture 2000

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John Sutherland - Puzzles, Enigmas and Mysteries in the English Novel. Real Approaches to Fictional Universes

Adam Helms Lecture 1999

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Peter Mayer - Traditional Values in the Age of the Marketplace Triumphant. Publishing Today in a Global World

Adam Helms Lecture 1998

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P. D. James - Murder and Mystery. The Craft of the Detective Story

Adam Helms Lecture 1997

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Janice Radway - Books and Reading in the Age of Mass Production

Adam Helms Lecture 1996

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Hans Hertel - 500.000 £ er priesen: Bogen i mediesymbiosens tid

Adam Helms Lecture 1995

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Robert Darnton - Censorship in Comparative Perspective: France, 1789 - Germany, 1989

Adam Helms Lecture 1994

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